Meet Wendee Walker

About Wendee Walker

Welcome ALL!

Ā I am Wendee Walker of Napa, California USA. I grew up not far from the San Francisco riding stables in Golden Gate Park, but never did ride there. My parents let me lease a pony each summer from a stable at the base of Mount Diablo in Walnut Creek. That month of pony time sustained me the rest of the year. Straight after college, I taught public school for 26 years, and didnā€™t even have my own horses until I was 37 years old.Ā 

I had always wanted horses in my life, so fulfilled that calling by volunteering for therapeutic riding on weekends. I saw life in a different light after adopting a wild Mustang in 2003. I'll tell you more about him in this class!Ā 

Becoming a steward for and student of Mustang Yogi, along with youngsters Lucca, Opie, Lefty, Brioso, Arteiro, Picasso, and newest friend Wayne, led me to question some training methods, and to study various systems to determine what was best for my horses. I am always learning and attending classes or clinics, so I can be a better horsewoman. Brioso, a Spanish horse who came to me as a yearling, inspired me to learn positive reinforcement/reward based training, along with Reiki.Ā 

My deep connection with my herd, drew me to complementary health offerings. Now, I practice and teach the Animal Reiki Source Let Animals LeadĀ® method in Napa, CA. I bask in the reciprocal exchange of energy, that comes from teaching animal and human learners meditations and postures for mutual healing. For certain, the animals continue to show me the way!Ā 

As of 2016 teaching public school is in my past. My first horse, Mustang Yogi and I together, earned the United States Dressage Federation (USDF) Bronze Medal in 2018. The next year we qualified for 3rd level musical freestyle, and earned the All-Breeds Award for American Mustang and Burro Association (AMBA). Yogi and I have ridden at events and explored trails all over California. Now, at 25, Yogi is semi-retired from riding, but enjoys his role as leader of his small herd.Ā 

Today, I teach reward based training for wellness, and Animal Reiki Certification classes from my home ranch. My husband Mike and I farm Brioso Vineyard, and enjoy the company of our 2 dogs Ruthie, and Annie, along with cats Ben and Pinky.Ā 

I AM HERE to listen to your questions about Reiki with your own horses, or your practice as a volunteer in sanctuaries. I want to say, THANK YOU for your attention, and participation in this Introduction to Equine and Animal Reiki.

For More Information, or to get in touch for in-person group, or private sessions or even AR certification:Ā 


[email protected]Ā 

Located on Mt. Veeder in Napa County, California USAĀ 


Insta: @wendeeandfriends

Do not hesitate to reach out.Ā 

-For online certification courses with Kathleen Prasad visit:


Introduction to Reiki with Horses with Wendee Walker

Enjoy a peaceful practice with your horse. Learn about Reiki with your horse and how this form of energy work will benefit you both. Wendee practices and teaches Animal Reiki Source Let Animals LeadĀ®, a meditative practice that helps us be present and offer healing intention.

This course shows you how you can practice Reiki to supplement your current horsemanship practices.

At only $135.00 with some of the proceeds going to charity, this course is too good to pass up! Both you and your horse will enjoy this investment.

Sign up now!