Free downloads!
Courtesy of The Joyful Horse
It is the mission of The Joyful Horse to provide solid content from reputable instructors that will benefit you and your horse in many ways. The content is affordable, easily accessible, supported by the instructors, and designed for you to learn in an enjoyable and interactive manner. We will regularly be adding free downloads to help you and your horse enjoy a better life together.

Free contract for those who choose not to wear a helmet.
As March is Brain Injury Awareness Month, The Joyful Horse is offering a free downloadable PDF contract regarding your right to choose to wear a helmet or not to wear a helmet.
This contract is for those who choose not to wear a helmet for every ride. This gives them the opportunity to make their wishes clear, to accept all responsibility for the potential consequences of their decision, and to free friends and loved ones from any obligation to provide financial, physical, or emotional support should you become injured or killed in an accident that could have been prevented or lessened by wearing a helmet.
It is your right to choose whether you wear a helmet or not! Use this free contract to give your friends and loved ones peace of mind regarding your decision. Download and share with your friends and family who exercise their right to choose not to wear a helmet for every ride.
While this is slightly tongue in cheek, it is a great document to raise awareness regarding the consequences of decisions you are entitled to make.